An only child, alone and wild 身為獨子,孤獨而狂野 A cabinet maker's son 是個木工師傅的兒子 His hands were meant for different work 他的雙手不善於做雜活 And his heart was known to none 也沒有人瞭解他的內心
He left his home 他離開了家 And went his lone and solitary way 踏上孤獨的旅程 And he gave to me a gift 而他賜給我的天賦 I know I never can repay 我永遠都無法報答
A quiet man of music 一個沉靜的音樂家 Denied a simpler fate 不向單純的命運低頭 He tried to be a soldier once 他曾經想要從軍 But his music wouldn't wait 但等不及要從事音樂 He earned his love through discipline 他贏得了摯愛,用那受過訓練的 A thundering, velvet hand 時而雷霆萬鈞時而柔軟如絲絨的雙手 His gentle means of sculpting souls 他的溫和代表他那雕塑過的靈魂 Took me years to understand 很多年後我才瞭解
The leader of the band is tired 樂隊指揮已經倦了 And his eyes are growing old 他的眼神日漸蒼老 But his blood runs through my instrument 但他的血液流經我的樂器 And his song is in my soul 為了模仿他,我的一生做過許多可笑的嘗試 My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man 對於樂隊指揮來說, I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band 我不過是個活生生的遺產
My brothers' lives were different 我的兄弟們際遇完全不同 For they heard another call 當他們接受到不同的召喚 One went to Chicago 其中一個前往芝加哥 And the other to St. Paul 另一個去了聖保羅 And I'm in Colorado 而我落腳在科羅拉多 When I'm not in some hotel 當時我並不住在旅館裡 Living out this life I've chose 過著自己選擇的生活 And come to know so well 才能明白這許多事情
I thank you for the music 衷心感謝你的音樂 And your stories of the road 還有你流浪的故事 I thank you for the freedom 謝謝你給我自由 When it came my time to go 在我想離開的時候 I thank you for the kindness 謝謝你的慈愛 The times when you got tough 在你最困頓的時刻 And papa, I don't think I said, 爸爸,我想 "I love you" near enough 光說:"我愛你!"是不夠的 (中譯截自安德森之夢)